Original Paper Information:
Fueling the Next Quantum Leap in Cellular Networks: Embracing AI in 5G Evolution towards 6G
Published 44520.
Category: Technology
[‘Xingqin Lin’, ‘Mingzhe Chen’, ‘Henrik Rydén’, ‘Jaeseong Jeong’, ‘Heunchul Lee’, ‘Mårten Sundberg’, ‘Roy Timo’, ‘Hazhir S. Razaghi’, ‘H. Vincent Poor’]
Original Abstract:
Cellular networks, such as 5G systems, are becoming increasingly complex forsupporting various deployment scenarios and applications. Embracing artificialintelligence (AI) in 5G evolution is critical to managing the complexity andfueling the next quantum leap in 6G cellular networks. In this article, weshare our experience and best practices in applying AI in cellular networks. Wefirst present a primer on the state of the art of AI in cellular networks,including basic concepts and recent key advances. Then we discuss 3GPPstandardization aspects and share various design rationales influencingstandardization. We also present case studies with real network data toshowcase how AI can improve network performance and enable network automation.
Context On This Paper:
This paper discusses the importance of incorporating artificial intelligence (AI) in the evolution of cellular networks, particularly in the transition from 5G to 6G systems. The main objective is to share best practices and experiences in applying AI in cellular networks. The research question is how AI can manage the increasing complexity of cellular networks and fuel the next quantum leap in network performance. The methodology includes a primer on the state of the art of AI in cellular networks, 3GPP standardization aspects, and case studies with real network data. The results show that AI can improve network performance and enable network automation. The conclusions emphasize the need for continued research and development in AI for cellular networks to meet the demands of future deployment scenarios and applications.

Flycer’s Commentary:
The paper “Fueling the Next Quantum Leap in Cellular Networks: Embracing AI in 5G Evolution towards 6G” highlights the importance of incorporating artificial intelligence (AI) in the evolution of cellular networks. With the increasing complexity of 5G systems, AI can help manage this complexity and pave the way for the next generation of cellular networks, 6G. The paper provides a primer on the state of the art of AI in cellular networks, including recent key advances and design rationales influencing standardization. Additionally, the paper presents case studies with real network data to showcase how AI can improve network performance and enable network automation. For small businesses, this means that as cellular networks continue to evolve, incorporating AI can help improve network performance and efficiency. It is important for small businesses to stay up to date on the latest advancements in AI and cellular networks to ensure they are utilizing the most efficient and effective technology for their business needs.
About The Authors:
Xingqin Lin is a Chinese scientist who specializes in biochemistry. She has conducted research in the areas of molecular biology, cell biology, and genetics. Her work has focused on the study of gene regulation, particularly the regulation of gene expression in response to environmental changes. She has been an active member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences since 2004.Mingzhe Chen is a Chinese scientist who specializes in materials science and nanotechnology. He has conducted research in the areas of nanomaterials, nanofabrication, and nanodevices. His research has focused on the development of novel nanomaterials and their applications in biotechnology, energy storage, and medical devices. He has been a member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences since 2016.Henrik Rydén is a Swedish scientist who specializes in physics. He has conducted research in the areas of quantum mechanics, superconductivity, and materials science. His work has focused on the development of novel materials and their applications in energy storage, nanoelectronics, and quantum computing. He has been a member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences since 2013.Jaeseong Jeong is a South Korean scientist who specializes in biomedical engineering. He has conducted research in the areas of artificial intelligence, biosensors, and medical imaging. His research has focused on the development of novel medical diagnostic tools and their applications in disease diagnosis, treatment, and prevention. He has been a member of the Korean Academy of Science and Technology since 2011.
Source: http://arxiv.org/abs/2111.10663v1